What has made my hero successful by 陳琳惠

My Hero is Pavarotti. The reasons why he could succeed besides of his talent chance and effort. Pavarotti sang with his tenor father when he was little at the Church, but he decided to be a singer was in nineteen years old.
    Than, he got the champions in The National Singing Context Llangollen Concorso and ReggioEmilia, these perfect performances let him won the chance to sing in front of people. Moreover, the best thing leaded him to be popular were, sang 9 trebles C without another breathes and the voice he said was kissed by God.
For open the door to Music to people, he went to many countries and joys a lot of well-known operas.
As a result, those were why he could be succeeded and become my hero.                                               

2 則留言:

Amy Chen 提到...

Pavarottie had the most beautiful voice. His voice accompanied me in my college life. Someone said that he was kissed by an angel.

Unknown 提到...

I agree with Pavarotti's voice was kissed by God.On acount of Pavarotti's voice was wonderful. I am also proud of Pavarotti's courage. On account of Pavarotti knew what he wanted in the future. At last, I am very happy to read your article, you wrote very good.

By Lisa Lin