Have more self-confidence than before will change a lot of to life. by Maggie

Have more self-confidence than before will change a lot of to my life. I will think I am more valuable than before. That means, when I do something, I will believe that I can do it well. Never give up any hope and dare to try any challenge.

It is usual that people do something hard but fall it. For example, if you practice very hard to give a speech in English, but at last you speak very poor of it. What will you do in the next time? Never speak English in front of people or keep your self-confidence again to try it more? The loser is for the person who doesn't try it and don't believe yourself. If you believe yourself that you could do it, than the hope of success will get higher. That is what people often say. Success is trying again and again. Thu, don't doubt yourself and believe what you do. The winner is for you.
