Kezdőlap | Göcsej Ép-Ker Kft. – Építőipari kivitelezés és építőanyag kereskedelem Zalaegerszegen és Zala megye egész területén, homlokzati hőszigetelés, szárazépítészet, álmennyezet, gipszkarton szerelés
An acrostic poem is very easy to write. It can be about any subject. This kind of poem can be written in different ways, but the simplest form is to put the letters that spell your subject down the side of your page. When you have done this then you go back to each letter and think of a word , phrase or sentence that starts with that letter and describes your subject. Here are some of the poems written by the students using their names.
Current Events
CE blogger is a place for readers to speak out about topics in the news. It is sponsored by Weekly Reader. There are a variety of topics for the students to choose, from news roundup to strange pictures. The senior 1 A/F students have been posting their comments since last December (2007). Here are some more of the well-written comments.
All About Harry Potter!
In our senior one textbook, there is a lesson introducing Ms. J. K. Rowling and her Harry Potter series. Most of the students have read the H.P.s and have vivid memory about the stories. At the same time, they are asked to comment on some of the issues mentioned in the books.
The first assignment for the students was to find a hero of his/her own. I hope these young people can visualize what a hero is like and realized their own potential to become great men and women too.
Thoughts to Share!
Students read and gave feedbacks to their friends' heroes. Many of the shared comments are surrounding the idea of courage and determination. One mentioned that it is the attitude makes a hero. Deep inside of you, there is a hero waiting to be awaken.